Caking, clumping, and clogging: Avoiding bulk mixture headaches

:: Thursday, February 6, 2025 :: Posted By Fabiano Silvestrin
Caking, clumping, and clogging: Avoiding bulk mixture headaches
Bulk blends give farmers the flexibility to prepare only the necessary amount of fertilizers with just the right ratio of nutrients for a given field. However, bulk blending can also cause headaches when issues including dust, caking, and product segregation arise.

U.S. Borax: Refined, quality borates

:: Thursday, August 1, 2024 :: Posted By Roger Gunning
U.S. Borax: Refined, quality borates
Investing in premium fertilizers can helps ensure a bountiful harvest. If you’re looking for both the best value and highest quality fertilizer for your fields, U.S. Borax’s unique refining process produces a superior boron over the competition.

CRMA's affect on borate fertilizer supply

:: Thursday, May 2, 2024 :: Posted By Javier Jusué de Olives
CRMA's affect on borate fertilizer supply
European farmers have a new challenge: The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which states that no more than 65% of your annual consumption of a strategic raw materials, including borates, can come from a single third country.

Agriculture advances through field-proven borate research

:: Monday, February 5, 2024 :: Posted By Roger Gunning
Agriculture advances through field-proven borate research
U.S. Borax products are backed with thousands of hours and acres of research. We never stop searching for answers to help you achieve the highest quality results in the field. While our commitment to research is twofold: Better understand how to improve our products and help growers  make the best possible nutrient management decisions.

Navigating the world of boron fertilizers: Why Solubor is a game-changer

:: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 :: Posted By Fabiano Silvestrin
Navigating the world of boron fertilizers: Why Solubor is a game-changer
Fertilizing is an art form for anyone deeply involved in agriculture. The balance of nutrients, the type of fertilizers, and their application methods can make or break your yield. If you're specifically looking for a boron fertilizer for foliar application, U.S. Borax is here to help you understand why Solubor might be an excellent fit for your needs.

Boron in soybean nutrition: Accumulation curve and high agronomic efficiency fertilizer

:: Wednesday, August 2, 2023 :: Posted By Fabiano Silvestrin
Boron in soybean nutrition: Accumulation curve and high agronomic efficiency fertilizer
Scientific research over the years has studied the patterns of absorption, partitioning, and remobilization of nutrients in soybean cultivation. In recent years, studies have shown that the potential for nutrient accumulation—including boron—has increased significantly due to current high productivity levels.

Arsenic in fertilizers

:: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 :: Posted By Fabiano Silvestrin
Arsenic in fertilizers
Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring, toxic heavy metal dispersed in the environment through a variety of industrial, mining, and agricultural activities. High levels of arsenic can cause toxicity in cultivated plants and potential soil pollution.

U.S. Borax in American agriculture

:: Friday, February 24, 2023 :: Posted By Roger Gunning
U.S. Borax in American agriculture
Product origin is a hot topic. Whether you’re curious about where the cotton fibers in your bed sheets came from, or where the berries in your morning yogurt grew, sourcing is top of mind lately. For U.S. Borax, the answer is right there in our name.

Liquibor: The Preferred Liquid Boron Fertilizer in India

:: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 :: Posted By Punit Antal
Liquibor: The Preferred Liquid Boron Fertilizer in India
Liquibor® is an easy-to-use remedy for present boron deficiency and the prevention of future boron deficiency in agriculture and specialty crops, especially in South Asia. 

Lucky for you, there is Liquibor

:: Thursday, November 17, 2022 :: Posted By Punit Antal
Lucky for you, there is Liquibor
Mixing the correct balance of fertilizer can be a challenge. Luckily, U.S. Borax has a smooth solution. Quite literally. Liquibor® is a pre-mixed, thick mixture ready to be applied.
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U.S. Borax, part of Rio Tinto, is a global leader in the supply and science of borates—naturally-occurring minerals containing boron and other elements. We are 1,000 people serving 650 customers with more than 1,800 delivery locations globally. We supply around 30% of the world’s need for refined borates from our world-class mine in Boron, California, about 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles. Learn more about Rio Tinto.

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