Investing in premium fertilizers can helps ensure a bountiful harvest. If you’re looking for both the best value and highest quality fertilizer for your fields, U.S. Borax’s unique refining process produces a superior boron over the competition.
Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for all plant species. In agriculture, boron is one of the most deficient minerals in soil around the world.
Boron (B) deficiency is directly affected by boron mobility or immobility in plants. In those species in which boron is immobile in the phloem, foliar-applied boron will not be translocated from the site of application. This means there is not enough boron to adequately supply the plant cells that are required for tissue formation. In those species where boron is immobile via phloem, boron must be applied via soil.
European farmers have a new challenge: The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which states that no more than 65% of your annual consumption of a strategic raw materials, including borates, can come from a single third country.
The leaves of pepper plants provide a narrative to its nutrient needs. Boron deficiency often shows up in the leaves as loss of color, yellowing, and leaf cupping. Observation of plant leaves allows producers to gain early and valuable insights into plant nutrition. This proactive approach can let producers know that an application of boron may be needed.
Boron is required for all plant-growth. Adequate boron nutrition is critical for high-quality crops and increased yield. Boron is essential in the actively growing regions of plants, such as root tips and new leaf and bud development.
Soil health takes the lead in regenerative agriculture approaches. Regenerative agriculture is an approach to farm management that focuses on soil health and restoration while being conscientious of the unique relationship farming has with the environment. As you consider increasing the use of regenerative agriculture practices on your farm, U.S. Borax can play a key role in the impact of boron in your farm’s soil health journey.
U.S. Borax products are backed with thousands of hours and acres of research. We never stop searching for answers to help you achieve the highest quality results in the field. While our commitment to research is twofold: Better understand how to improve our products and help growers make the best possible nutrient management decisions.
Producers need to understand the role boron has in bolstering their avocado yields. Since boron plays a multifaceted role in various physiological plant processes, meeting nutritional needs during each growth stage is vital to avocado management.
Finding sustainable solutions for organic durian growers in Southeast Asia can be complicated. Organic farmers frequently encounter challenges in producing high quality fruits. This is often because commonly used organic fertilizers can lack essential nutrients such as boron. U.S. Borax can help you find a solution.