The scourge of the small cereal and rye grain, ergot can negatively impact the quality of barley grain, and in turn, the profitability of the crop.
When people think of India’s economy, many think of its exploding service and technology sectors. Yet for decades, agriculture has played a major role in India’s socioeconomic growth.
Boron deficiency can make it extremely difficult for a plant to grow to its full potential. Most plants are not able to remobilize boron from old to new tissue as with other nutrients, such as nitrogen. Understanding whether a nutrient is mobile or immobile in plants and the available solutions to correct boron deficiency can help you overcome this problem and enjoy a fruitful harvest.
Banana growing success is largely dependent on plant nutrition. Along with essential nutrients such as potassium (K) and nitrogen (N), proper levels of the micro-nutrient boron (B) can ensure larger, better-quality bunches.
Increasing global demand for dietary and industrial uses of corn is putting new pressures on corn growers to maximize their yields.
Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil extracted from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the oil palm fruit. The oil primarily comes from the African oil palm and to a lesser extent from American oil palm and maripa palm (
Attalea maripa).
Boron uptake is closely related to the boron concentration of the soil and the rate of water transpiration by rice plants. This means that rice plants can be particularly susceptible to boron toxicity.
Olives have been cultivated for at least 5,000 years—for their oil and their fruit. Yet, all this time, the olive tree itself was a stingy, hostile, uncooperative friend to man. The yield per tree was always miserably low until
la olivicultura moderna.