Arsenic is a chemical element occurring in metals that can be found in soils and is harmful to healthy plant growth. That is why it is important for fertilizer applications to contain arsenic levels that are as low as possible.
As we gear up for the second half of 2021, we’re looking forward to the upcoming Southwestern Fertilizer Conference (SWFC) in San Antonio.
Currently, around 45% of arable Indian soil is boron deficient including latent deficient. Many of India’s states have soil that is more than 80% zinc deficient.
To meet the growing demand for boron and zinc in fertilization programs, U.S. Borax recently launched Anhybor and Zincubor.
Looking forward, 2019 will have carryover effects on the 2020 cropping season. How producers align their management practices heading into the growing season can make the difference between a successful crop and lagging yields.
Initial nutrient price isn’t the only—or the best—way to determine the value of the borates you choose for your blends. The question isn’t which borates are least expensive, but what is the
true cost of using cheap mineral borates?
Rio Tinto provides centralized resources and information about crop nutrition, soil health, and advances in agriculture that are helping to feed the world’s growing population today and sustain food supplies into the future.