Study details
- Date: 1989-1990
- Location: Westfalia Estate, Modjadiskloof, South Africa
- Soil: cinnamon soil, loam, 20.3 g/kg organic materials, 1.86 g/kg total nitrogen, 70 mg/kg available phosphor, 110 g/kg available potassium, pH = 8.1
- Fertilizers: Solubor® applied at 2g/l applied at first bud break and at anthesis of first flowers
- Trial design: 40 random established trees in a commercial orchard
- Leaf analysis, fruit set and fruit production were compared at different intervals
- The highest levels of boron in the tissue were achieved with applications of Solubor at first bud break and anthesis of first flowers. Best yield was achieved with applications at first bud break.
Robbertse, PJ, Coetzer, A, Bessinger, F. "The Influence of Solubor Leaf Spray on Fruit Production in Avocado." South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook 1991. 14:83-84.
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