Study details
- Research institution: AgrariaFoundation for Agricultural Research (FAPA)
- Date: 2020-2021
- Location: Candoí, Paraná, Brazil
- Soil: Aluminic Oxisol; pH (CaCl2) = 5.07
- Fertilizers:
- Crop B: Granubor ® and ulexite before planting barley (0, 0.43, 0.75, and 1.5 kg B ha-1).
- System B: Granubor and ulexite (0, 0.86, 1.5, and 3.0 kg B ha-1) before planting barley (50%), and before planting soybean (50%), in successive barley-soybean rotation with no-tillage practice.
- Granubor and ulexite were blended with NPK fertilizer before planting.
- Crop variety: Daniele
- Trial design: Randomized complete block with three repetitions.
Application of 3 kg Granubor ha-1 (system B fertilization | 50% of the dose before planting barley + 50% of the dose before planting soybeans), gave the highest barley grain yield compared to the control and acidulated ulexite source.
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