Crop Recommendations

Bermudagrass: Boron applications

Bermudagrass: Boron applications

Some bermudagrass varieties may respond to applied boron, especially on sandy soils in high rainfall regions, or with adverse weather conditions during the growing season. Where needed, preplant application of Granubor with the early-season top-dressed NPK fertilizer generally will ensure an adequate boron supply.

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Fulfilling Cotton Nutrient Requirements with Boron

Fulfilling Cotton Nutrient Requirements with Boron

Cotton requires an available supply of boron, especially during the boll development stage, or boll shed may occur which reduces yields. Read more about how Solubor and Granubor are recommended for soils testing low in available boron.

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Peanuts: Boron applications for improved quality and yields

Peanuts: Boron applications for improved quality and yields

Peanuts require boron, especially during the pod development stage, or “hollow heart” may occur, possibly reducing quality and yields. Read more about how Solubor and Granubor can help ensure adequate boron supply.

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Apples: Boron applications for increased production

Apples: Boron applications for increased production

Apples require an adequate supply of available boron, especially during flower formation and fruit set. Learn how foliar sprays such as Solubor during the dormant season, pre-pink, and early bud stages can ensure an adequate supply of boron.

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Grapes: Boron applications for increased production

Grapes: Boron applications for increased production

Multiple foliar sprays of Solubor applied alone or with insecticides will ensure boron supply during the critical stages of flowering and berry development in grapes. Preplant soil application of Granubor plus foliar sprays of Solubor during the season are recommended for soils testing low in available boron.

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Soybeans: Boron applications for increased yields

Soybeans: Boron applications for increased yields

Soybeans require boron, especially during flowering and seed development. Read more about how Solubor and Granubor can ensure an adequate supply of boron.

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Corn: Boron applications for increased yields of high-yield field corn and sweet corn

Corn: Boron applications for increased yields of high-yield field corn and sweet corn

Boron aids in the transfer of sugars and nutrients from leaves to reproductive organs, and increases pollination and seed development. Corn requires a supply of available boron, especially during tasseling and silking.

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Forestry: Boron in forestry production

Forestry: Boron in forestry production

Boron deficiency is the most common micronutrient limitation in forest plantations. It occurs in many countries, particularly in exotic plantations of eucalypts and pines, but also in plantations and natural stands of native species on soils altered by macronutrient fertilization, liming, fire, or erosion.

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Fruit tree foliar nutrient sprays

Fruit tree foliar nutrient sprays

Foliar nutrient sprays are commonly applied to fruit trees. Boron is immobile in most plant tissues so boron may not be readily transported to developing flower buds. Solubor can be effectively applied with dormant oil-insecticide sprays during the dormant stages of most fruit trees.

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Pistachios: Boron application for increased yields

Pistachios: Boron application for increased yields

Research in California has shown that foliar applications of Solubor increased pistachio yields. The best time for foliar application is from the late dormant to the early bud stages. Soil applications of boron are not as effective as foliar applications in supplying sufficient boron for flowering.

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Although soybeans are tolerant to boron deficiency, boron fertilization has shown to increase yield at locations across the world when the boron supplying power of the soil is inadequate. University research has found soybean yield increases ranging from 2-17.91 bushels per acre due to boron application.

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Alfalfa: Boron for profitable alfalfa

Alfalfa: Boron for profitable alfalfa

Alfalfa has a higher boron requirement than most crops. For optimum yields of high quality alfalfa, it is essential to maintain adequate supplies of available boron throughout the growing season.

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U.S. Borax, part of Rio Tinto, is a global leader in the supply and science of borates—naturally-occurring minerals containing boron and other elements. We are 1,000 people serving 650 customers with more than 1,800 delivery locations globally. We supply around 30% of the world’s need for refined borates from our world-class mine in Boron, California, about 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles. Learn more about Rio Tinto.

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