Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (2018-2019): Increased seed cotton yield
Mato Grosso, Brazil (2021-2022): Granubor increased yield by 19.5%
Sinop, MT – Brazil (2022-2024): Treatments increased yield over the control (foliar treatment)
Sinop, MT – Brazil (2023): Treatments increased yield over the control when Granubor applied via soil
Mato Grosso, Brazil (2019-2022): Midway results of a five-year study results in higher volumes with Granubor.
Mekong Delta, Vietnam (2018-2019): Average yield increase of 10%
Maracaju and Naviraí, Brazil (2017-2020): Higher yields with Granubor
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (2016-2017): Higher yields with Granubor
Mato Grosso, Brazil (2022-2024): Higher yields with Granubor
Mississippi, USA (2022): Granubor helps soy better tolerate drought conditions.
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2019-2020): Higher yields with Granubor when compared to ulexite and KCl compacted + boron
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2019-2020): Higher yields with Granubor