Agriculture needs to become increasingly efficient to feed a growing population. As an essential element for crop growth, boron has a vital role to play.
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When tested for spreadability, Granubor was consistent in every fertilizer spread tested.
Multiple foliar sprays of Solubor applied alone or with insecticides will ensure boron supply during the critical stages of flowering and berry development in grapes. Preplant soil application of Granubor plus foliar sprays of Solubor during the season are recommended for soils testing low in available boron.
Boron plays a vital role in plant health and crop yield. Learn how plants use this important micronutrient.
The efficacy of some pesticides may be affected by increased pH of the pesticide tank mixes. Inclusion of an appropriate buffer to control the pH of tank mixes is suggested for those pesticides whose efficacy is known to be reduced by increased pH.
Adequate boron is a crucial factor in high crop yields and quality. But, how do plants use boron?
Micronutrients are essential for healthy plant growth and increased crop yield. Plants need these eight essential micronutrients.
Boron deficiency starts in your soil. Learn how soil conditions can affect boron levels and your crop yield.
Murcia, Spain (2005): Better performance of sodium borates versus non-sodium borates (MEA liquids).
Field research comparing boron sources and rates in corn and soy crops show Granubor's effectiveness.
The convenience of liquid boron fertilizer straight to your farm with no measuring or mixing required.
A liquid borate product manufactured in France by Borax Français S.A.S.
East Java, Indonesia (2013): Savings in fertilizer cost and rapid leaf growth compared to previous year
A summary of U.S. Borax's agriculture product portfolio--Anhybor, Granubor, Fertibor, Liquibor, Optibor for ag, Solubor, Solubor Flow, and Zincubor.
U.S. Borax is committed to supporting growers, agronomists, and distributors in Latin America, using high-quality, refined borates and expert agricultural education and advice.
Solubor is manufactured to combine the highest concentration of boron with the maximum possible dispersion and solubility in water. It has a number of different uses in agro-industrial markets, in addition to its long established role in farm sprays.